Why is it so important to give life a sense?

Sense stands for direction and significance. We also have the five senses that enable us to stay in touch with the outside world. Through the combination of these three features (direction; significance; the five senses) we can find a possible answer to the question.

The direction

By giving a sense to my life, I will not only give it a direction, but I will also make sure that it is the intended direction. It is a kind of inner beacon that will help me make the right choices throughout my life, to say “no” whenever necessary. Since I know where I am going, I will also know where I want or don’t want to go. I will also know when I am straying from the path lit by my inner beacon. Knowing our way is very useful when we go through difficult moments in our life; if we have lost our way, we will know how to find it.

The significance

I will then know how to attribute significance to my life and consequently be able to answer questions such as “what makes me unique in this world?”; “what can I contribute to the world?”. These fundamental questions are so profound that they sometimes frighten us. Yet, at the same time, answering such questions is important for it will help us understand our real worth. By answering these questions we enhance our self-worth, since we empower ourselves to influence the world in those areas where we perform at our best, where we know we can make a difference. Being aware of this difference, no matter how small, will enable us to enjoy life. Once again, only when we are fully aware of our contribution to the world, especially in difficult moments, will we be able to bounce back more easily.

Our five senses

Finally, our five senses enable us to gather information coming from the outside world. Thanks to them we receive the world’s feedback on our actions: how are they perceived and what is their result? Our five senses will also help us answer the question “what is the sense of our life?”

A first step to determine the sense of our life.

The journey leading to discovering the sense of OUR life is a long and challenging effort. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to get there; some people never undertake this journey. Both decisions are possible and worthy of respect. Since this is a long journey, it is preferable to embark on it as soon as possible, starting with the daily practice of a simple exercise.

Each evening think about the day that has just gone by and answer the following questions:
– Which are the day’s personal or professional events that made me feel good?
– What exactly made me feel good?
– How did I realize that my contribution, whether minor or major, was important?
– Which are the qualities that assisted me in this situation/these situations?

It is easy to understand that our senses will help us observe, feel, listen to the world that surrounds us and consequently find an answer to these questions.

To conclude, I’d like to invite you to jot down some notes in a “travel journal” and to read them every three months and then ask yourselves the question: is there a common thread linking all these events? If so, which one? If you have not found an answer to your questions, it means that you must continue the journey…Bon voyage to all of you!

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